mardi 27 mars 2018

How A Holistic Chiropractor In West Hollywood Helps Patients Get Their Lives Back

By Ericka Wilmoth

If you have suffered a significant injury, whether from a sports mishap, a bathroom fall, or auto accident, you usually end up in the emergency room. The hospital is full of doctors who assess injuries and are qualified to prescribe appropriate remedies. When pain from these injuries turns into a chronic problem, some doctors hand out prescriptions for powerful painkillers, which can become addictive. A Holistic Chiropractor In West Hollywood has a different philosophy and more natural approach.

Active Body Chiro-Care clinics have staffs of professionals practicing a whole body approach that involves the use of complementary procedures. Included in these procedures are trigger point therapy, kinesio taping, active relief techniques, and massage in addition to exercise and diet. These techniques are effective for everything from migraines and back pain to degenerative disc disease and sciatica. The belief is that the body will heal when procedures work synergistically.

These chiropractors have had a lot of success using Kinesio taping to heal sports injuries. This taping differs from athletic tape which is designed to restrict joint movement and stabilize it by wrapping it in a non-elastic tape. Kinesio tape, on the other hand, has almost a hundred and fifty percent the elasticity of skin. Skillful wrapping of the tape promotes pain relief, swelling reduction, functional correction, and increased circulation.

When pain and dysfunction causes muscle pain, chiropractors may be able to treat it using a method known as trigger point therapy. With this method, the chiropractor applies pressure to sensitive tissue in order to relieve muscle stiffness and soreness. Without treatment, pain will eventually begin to radiate throughout the body.

Massage therapy has been around for four thousand years, and its benefits are well known. It can be extremely effective for increasing blood flow, relaxing muscles, and healing soft tissue. Spinal manipulation is used when nerves need to be repositioned and misalignments corrected. An example of this is a herniated disc. This condition can produce pressure on the sciatic nerve resulting in pain radiating over the body.

Using active care techniques chiropractors can reduce the discomfort caused by sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, knee pain, shoulder pain, and tennis elbow. Scar tissue can result when muscles are overused. Chiropractors relieve the tension with gentle massage that allows the injured area to heal naturally. The vast majority of patients see rapid improvement and are able to eliminate the use of powerful painkillers.

Chiropractors take a whole body approach when it comes pain and healing. Instead of focusing solely on treating the specific pain, they create recovery plans that include things like exercise and a healthy diet. Patients have in office treatments and leave with additional instructions on regimens they can implement from home.

There are a number of ways to handle chronic pain and discomfort. You might consider a surgical option, take controversial prescription drugs, or try to manage it without any professional intervention. You can also try the holistic approach and natural remedies.

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